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Медикъл Караджъ създават радост - ФБ

They create joy and have given meaning to my life

Екипът от здравен информационен център Медикъл Караджъ са изключително коректни, информирани и отзивчиви. Екипът на професор Кахраман от

Диагнозата ми е: Двустранни бронхиектазии - ФБ

My diagnosis is: Bilateral bronchiectasis

The organisation that was made for the trip, the stay in hospital and during all the tests was at an exceptional level.

Отчаянието е най лошият ни враг - ФБ

Despair is our worst enemy, don't despair but fight

За Здравен информационен център „Медикъл Караджъ“ разбрах случайно в интернет, когато търсих информация относно моето заболяване.

Обслужването в Здравен информационен център Медикъл Караджъ е на много високо ниво - ФБ

The service at the Health Information Center Medical Karadži is at a very high level

The service at the Health Information Center Medical Karadj is of a very high level. I learned about you from the Internet. You take your job to heart and strive to pay attention to every patient. I do not have any remarks about your work.

От приятели научих за Медикъл Караджъ - ФБ

Opinion about Medical Carragee

From friends I learned about Medical Karaj and decided to visit the clinic. I received a completely free consultation with Professor Fatih Agalar. From him I understood that one cannot make this diagnosis without having a colonoscopy. Medical Karaj helped me to get to Liv Hospital, there I received all the necessary tests for the diagnosis of the disease.

Мнение за консултантска фирма Медикъл Караджъ турс - ФБ

Opinion about consultancy company Medical Carragee tours

Medical Carragee Tours was recommended to me by a friend. The reason was my intention to do a consultation in a Turkish clinic. I had already made contact with the clinic.

Рак на гърдата - ФБ

I found out about my breast cancer diagnosis in 2010

Разбрах за диагнозата си „Рак на гърдата“ през 2010 г. Последва частично отрязване на гърдата, лъчетерапия и пиене на лекарства – 5 години (Нолвадекс). Ракът се върна при мен през юли 2016г.

Диагнозата беше безплодие - ФБ

The diagnosis was infertility, after more than 2 years of trying in Bulgaria

In short, the diagnosis was infertility, after more than 2 years of trying in Bulgaria and a huge disappointment.

Вън от омагьосъния кръг на Инвитро процедурите - ФБ

Out of the vicious circle of Invitro procedures

I have been in the vicious circle of Invitro procedures since 2012. I have had 4 failed attempts and I hope the 5th one I did in Memorial, Istanbul, Turkey will end successfully. My diagnosis is partially blocked fallopian tubes. In 1986 when I was 6 years old I became ill with appendicitis due to peritonitis. I was bedridden for 3 months and my life was in danger.

Възможностите са толкова големи, колкото големи са мечтите Ви! - ФБ

The possibilities are as big as your dreams!

The leading diagnosis is polymicrogyria, cerebral palsy - quadriparesis, epilepsy. The diagnoses were made when Bobcho was 8 months old

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Str. General Ivan Kolev, 33 B Bulgaria, Sofia

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Str. Ivan Vazov 75 Bulgaria, Burgas 8000

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Blvd. Hristo Botev 92, RILON Business Centre, floor 2 Bulgaria, Plovdiv

Shumen Office:

Str. Panayot Volov No.2 Bulgaria, Shumen.

Macedonia Office:

Bane Andreev Ronkata #2, 1400 Veles, Macedonia