Inguinal hernia

Ингвинална херния

Did you know that inguinal hernia is among the most common surgical interventions?

Hernia is not only a cause of discomfort and a violation of our quality of life, but can also lead to serious life-threatening complications.


This is the condition in which abdominal organs or part of them pass into the subcutaneous tissue through an opening in the abdominal wall or through cavities. Depending on where and how they form, hernias are: umbilical, inguinal, postoperative, etc.

An umbilical hernia is called a passage through an opening of the abdominal muscles of a part of the small intestine in the umbilicus area. It is most common in newborns, is seen when they cry, and retracted at rest. By the end of the child's first year, the hernia will retract on its own, but if it does not, or forms at another age, treatment is surgical.

A postoperative hernia is formed when the abdominal muscles are not properly closed after abdominal surgery and intestinal parts pass through the defective sites to the surface. The treatment is operative, but with a high degree of difficulty due to prior surgical intervention and even more so if the patient is overweight.

About 75% of the cases, inguinal hernia is the most common. It takes its name from the anatomical feature - in it the internal organs exit through the inguinal canal, so it is called inguinal or also groin hernia. It can be unilateral and bilateral (in the left and right inguinal canal). It is also divided into indirect - congenital, (occurs in the first year after birth) and direct (occurs most often in people between 20 and 40 years of age, with a greater risk with age).


Factors that are a prerequisite for inguinal hernia are : genetic inheritance, weak abdominal wall musculature, increased abdominal pressure, severe cough, constipation, pregnancy, childbirth, overweight. The incidence in men is higher due to the fact that the inguinal canal in them is larger than in women.

What symptoms should we monitor our body for?

This hernia appears as a lump in the lower abdomen /lower abdomen/ in a standing position or physical exertion. At first it may not be painful, but gradually it increases, stretching, pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating and constipation are felt.

Medical attention should be sought immediately due to the risk of complications.

Diagnosis is easy.

The specialist makes a thorough inspection of the size and shape, palpates to assess the consistency and whether it retracts in the supine position.

Treatment is only surgical.

It can be performed laparoscopically or by open surgery.

With this information, we have the opportunity to reduce the risk, and even prevent the occurrence of an inguinal hernia. This is possible with the rules that also apply to strengthening our overall health, namely: reducing excess weight, healthy eating, timely treatment of cough, avoiding straining, strengthening the abdominal wall with sports and hiking.

Take care of your body and it will thank you with health!

For more information, we at Medical Karaj are at your service.
Call us on the following numbers "Medical Karaj"0879 977 401 or 0879 977 402.

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