Find out the biological age of your body with the TAT® (Telomere Analysis Technology®) telomere length test from NM Genomics!

Now in Bulgaria! Now you have the opportunity to take advantage of one of the most accurate and modern technologies for telomere testing and thus find out what is the real biological age of your body - now easily accessible in Bulgaria. NM Genomics is an official representative of Life Length, a leading biotechnology company working to improve healthcare worldwide.

Telomere Analysis Technology® (TAT®) is a key method used in personalized and preventive medicine programs. Through it, NM Genomics and Life Length draws attention to the aging process using telomeres and their length measurement. The method is based on technology pioneered by the prestigious National Cancer Research Center in Madrid, Spain.

What are telomeres and what is their relationship to the biological age of an organism?

Теломерите са окончанията на хромозомите – структурите в клетките, които носят генетичния материал и които са отговорни за клетъчното делене. Теломерите са като „защитни капачета“, които предпазват генетичния материал. Всеки път, когато клетката се дели, за да се създаде нова клетка, те се скъсяват, докато достигнат дължина, при която клетката не може повече да се дели и тогава тя застарява или умира. Стареенето при всички живи организми е резултат от намаляването на броя и/или функцията на клетките. Стареенето е и основна причина за развиване на заболявания. Защитят ли се теломерите, може да се удължи живота на клетките.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=“10″][vc_column_text]Дължината на теломерите е важен биомаркер, който дава възможност да разберем как остарява организмът. Дължината на теломерите е пряко свързана с биологичната възраст на нашия организъм (не хронологичната). Не само това – скъсяването на теломерите, а от там и остаряването, не се случва еднакво бързо при всички хора. То зависи от няколко групи фактори – генетика, заобикаляща среда, начин на живот. Как да разбера биологичната възраст на моя организъм? Можете да разберете биологичната възраст на Вашия организъм като направите тест за измерване на дължината на Вашите теломери.

The Telomere Analysis Technology® (TAT®) test is a blood test that measures the length of thousands of individual telomeres to reveal your cellular or biological age.

What is the test?

The Telomere Analysis Technology® (TAT®) test is a genetic test that measures the length of telomeres in circulating peripheral white blood cells, including granulocytes and lymphocytes. Based on this information, a calculation of your biological age is made.

It is desirable to measure telomeres once a year. This makes it possible to periodically obtain information on how the body is aging and to evaluate the effect of various programs, diets and measures designed to slow down the aging process. For people who are making significant lifestyle changes, this measurement can also be taken once every 6 months.

Through the telomere measurement test, you will find out your biological age, which may be different from the chronological age.

First and foremost, it is an indicator of your overall individual health status. Through it, you can draw conclusions about your lifestyle, eating and other habits that affect aging. You can make the necessary changes in them and by periodic retesting, measure the results achieved.

Increasingly, as an indicator of well-being, we are talking not only about life expectancy, but also health expectancy. It is defined as the years during which we are in good general health, unaffected by chronic diseases, many of which are related to the ageing process. Examples of such diseases include:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • arthritis
  • frequent infectious diseases due to a weakened immune system
  • diabetes
  • cancers

The aging process is not usually associated with the occurrence of a single health problem, but rather the simultaneous occurrence of multiple health problems, with diseases occurring in parallel.

If the result of your telomere measurement shows that your biological age is greater than your chronological age, this may refer you to:

  • performing more thorough medical examinations
  • change in diet
  • getting rid of bad habits

Information about your cells at the molecular level enables you to take and track the effects of a number of steps to prevent a wide range of chronic diseases associated with the aging process.

Is there anything I can do to lengthen my telomeres and slow down the aging of my body?

To a large extent, your telomere length is determined by your genes; they are responsible for their length at birth and the rate at which they wear out.

However, modern research is clear that diet, as well as additional intake of certain nutrients, not only helps to preserve telomeres but also increases the activity of telomerase, the enzyme responsible for telomere enlargement.

How to lengthen my telomeres?

Eat healthy, stick to the so-called Mediterranean diet, including olive oil, vegetables and fish.

Practice psychosomatic techniques including meditation and qi gong, these have been shown to reduce stress and enhance telomerase.

Exercise! Cardio workouts are especially good for telomeres too.

Take supplements! Additional intake of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E has huge benefits for the telomere condition.

Avoid stress! Negative emotions provoke the release of stress hormones, which in turn have a negative effect on telomere length. Experts advise to distance yourself emotionally from problems as much as possible and look at them "from the side".

For more information, you can call +359895770869.


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