Menstrual disorders

Менструални нарушения - превю

Menstruation is a reflection of the cyclical changes taking place in the female body. It is characterized by a certain interval, rhythm, duration and quantity. All changes in this period also have their reflection on the general condition of the woman.
A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be the interval between two normal menstrual periods (the part of the menstrual cycle with menstrual bleeding).

The menstrual period, along with the time until the start of the next menstrual period closes the menstrual cycle. The normal interval between periods is considered to be the time from 21 to 35 days. A period lasts an average of 3-7 days. After each menstrual cycle, the endometrium (uterine lining) prepares for the fetus, and if fertilization does not occur, the body releases part of the endometrium through menstruation.

What are the types of menstrual disorders?

Any uterine bleeding outside the described parameters is considered a physiological deviation of the menstrual cycle.

We will acquaint you in more detail which are the deviations and what they are characterized by. The main groups of disorders are amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia.


Amenorrhea is characterized by the absence of menstrual periods for more than three consecutive monthly cycles. In these cases, or in the event that at the age of 16 or older the woman has not yet had her period, it is very important to see a medical professional. As with any condition, early diagnosis and treatment is very important.

There are two types of amenorrhea:
  • Primary amenorrhea is when menstruation does not begin at puberty.
  • In secondary amenorrhea, there are normal and regular menstrual periods that become increasingly abnormal, irregular, or absent. This is most often due to physical or mental factors that change the hormonal balance - stress, malnutrition, abrupt weight loss, hormonal dysfunctions.
Causes of amenorrhea:

Causes of amenorrhea can be part of the normal course of life - pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause.

The occurrence of amenorrhea, however, is often the result of medication intake or medical pathologies such as:
  • ovulation abnormalities
  • a congenital anatomical or structural defect
  • eating disorders
  • obesity
  • excessive motor activity
  • changes and abnormalities in the thyroid gland


Dysmenorrhea is characterized by severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain associated with menstruation. In dysmenorrhea, there are also two forms - primary and secondary.

  • The cause of primary dysmenorrhea is a chemical imbalance in a woman's body. In this case, women feel abnormal and painful contractions in the uterus.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by other medical conditions, among which the most common is endometriosis.
Other possible causes may include:
  • pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • uterine fibroids
  • ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage
  • infection, tumour or polyps in the pelvic cavity
No woman is immune from developing menorrhea, but at-risk groups of women are:
  • Smokers and consuming large amounts of alcohol
  • Overweight women
  • Women with menarche (first menstruation) before age 11
The most common symptoms in dysmenorrhea are:
  • Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen
  • Low back pain or pain radiating down the legs
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Fatigue, weakness in the limbs, headache
  • Some women reach fainting due to a sudden change in blood pressure or blood sugar


Menorrhagia is the most common type of abnormal uterine bleeding and is characterized by profuse and prolonged menstrual bleeding. In some cases, the bleeding can be so heavy that daily activities are disrupted.

Causes of menorrhagia include all those listed for secondary dysmenorrhea. To them we can add:
  • imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, leading to excessive growth of the mucous membrane
  • intrauterine contraceptive devices (so-called spirals)
  • High levels of prostaglandins (chemicals used to control muscle contractions of the uterus)
  • High levels of endothelins (chemical substances used to dilate blood vessels)
  • Liver, kidney or thyroid disease
What is the menorrhagic cycle?

Most often, during the bleeding period, the woman fails to cope with profuse bleeding. Sometimes it is so intensified that the woman is unable to make almost any movements and her normal routine is disturbed. In addition, menstruation lasts more than 7 days, and spotting or bleeding is possible between cycles.

Another manifestation is bleeding during pregnancy. Bleeding is with the discharge of clots, and due to the volume of bleeding can lead to the development of anemia. Symptoms of faintness, shortness of breath, pale skin and dizziness due to decreased hemoglobin and erythrocyte values occur infrequently.We will also mention two more mild deviations during the menstrual cycle:


We've all heard of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but let's summarize what it's characterized by.

Premenstrual syndrome is a normal phenomenon before the onset of the menstrual period and is associated with physical and vegetative sensations due to the readjustments of the hormonal environment in the woman's body.

PMS is any unpleasant or uncomfortable symptom during your cycle that can temporarily disrupt normal functioning. These symptoms can last from a few hours to a few days, and the types and intensity of symptoms can vary from woman to woman.

The most common symptoms in PMS are:
  • psychological symptoms (depression, anxiety, irritability)
  • gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating, constipation or diarrhea)
  • fluid retention (swelling of fingers, ankles and feet)
  • exacerbation of acnetic skin
  • headache and dizziness, decreased coordination
  • muscle cramps, palpitations
  • decreased libido, hot flashes
  • changes in appetite


The much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome is premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

It affects about 3-5% of women of reproductive age and requires medical intervention. Dysphoria is a form of morbidly depressed mood, irritability, gloomy thoughts and intense irritability. In some individuals, the character traits are exacerbated before menstruation, and the change in hormones further increases emotional expressivity.

The diagnostic methods by which menstrual disorders are identified are:

  • Blood tests
  • PAP-test
  • Ultrasound examination
  • NMR
  • Laparoscopy
  • Endometrial biopsy

Treatment of menstrual disorders

The specific treatment plan for each menstrual disorder is determined by the treating physician based on factors such as: age, general health, extent of the problem, current symptoms, and the body's tolerance to specific medications.

Treatment options range from lifestyle changes, to drug therapy, to surgery.

The dietary regimen helps many women who have pronounced premenstrual syndrome, as well as women with amenorrhea. To reduce cramping, it is recommended to reduce salt, caffeine and sugar intake before the period.
Whole grains, magnesium-rich foods are suitable, and sufficient water intake is mandatory.

Medicamentous treatment involves taking painkillers in the presence of unbearable cramps. Hormonal contraceptives are prescribed to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce heavy bleeding.

Surgical intervention is required in cases when the cause of menstrual disorder is a structural or anatomical abnormality in the reproductive system, as well as myoma or inflammatory disease. In some cases, induction of artificial menopause is necessary if bleeding threatens the woman's health. Then endometrial conization or hysterectomy is performed. A commonly applied methodology for endometrial removal is curettage.

The best at the moment, as well as the most preferred method by doctors for the treatment of endometriosis is laser laparoscopy. Since the technology is relatively innovative, it is important to choose a sufficiently qualified and experienced specialist to perform it.

For more information, we at Medical Karaj are at your service.
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