Helping children with serious diseases: free consultations with top doctors from abroad

Проф. д-р Хилми Апак и доц. д-р Бурджу Гьокер - превю
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Prof. Dr. Hilmi Apak, one of the most prestigious doctors in the field of pediatric oncology and hematology in Turkey, will be visiting Bulgaria on November 3, 2018. The top specialist with more than 25 years of experience in treating childhood cancer is known far beyond the borders of his homeland for the hundreds of successfully treated young patients, including from Bulgaria. He and his colleague Dr. Burju Goecker, who is a specialist in pediatric neurosurgery, will consult patients in Sofia free of charge. The two are coming to the country at the invitation of Zvezdelina Lutfi, manager of the Health Information Center "Medical Karadži", as part of their initiative to provide Bulgarian patients with access to the latest advances in medicine by partnering with some of the best medical institutions and specialists from around the world.

Cancer in children is different from that in adults

Cancer starts from a mutated cell that multiplies rapidly and spreads uncontrollably, Prof. Hilmi Apak. Fortunately this rarely happens in childhood, but why it does happen is not fully understood. What is certain, however, is that the types of cancer that occur most frequently in children are different from those in adults, and their diagnosis and treatment should be carried out by specialists with expertise specifically in paediatric oncology and haematology. About 30% of all childhood cancers involve leukemia, also called blood cancer. Brain and spine tumors are the second most common. Neuroblastomas, lymphomas and sarcomas also occur in childhood.

And although a childhood cancer diagnosis is always something severe, unacceptable and unfair, the good news in this area is that the vast majority of these cases are treatable. This is due to medical advances, but also to the peculiarities of the child's organism. "The child's organism is amazing. It can heal much faster than an adult body," says Prof. Hilmi Apak.

What should parents pay attention to?

Родителите трябва да следят за признаци на умора, анемия, често кървене от носа и венците, упорита температура, увеличени лимфни възли, главоболие, липса на апетит и осезаемо понижаване на теглото при децата. Това разбира се са симптоми, които могат да се отнасят за много състояния, повечето от които са безобидни. Затова появата на някой от тях не бива да става повод за паника. Водещ критерий е продължителността на оплакванията. Например необяснима температура в продължение на повече от 10 дни трябва да алармира родителите да се обърнат към специалист. Поради общия характер на симптомите диагностицирането на рак в детска възраст представлява сложна задача, затова опитът на лекаря е от ключово значение в такъв случай.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Who are prof. Hilmi Apak and Assoc. Burju Göker?

Prof. Hilmi Apak is an internationally renowned specialist in the field of pediatric oncology and hematology, and has been working at Liv Hospital for the past 4 years. She is the co-founder of the TRALL group for the treatment of leukemia in Turkey and has headed the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at Cerrahpaşa Medical School for 24 years. His work and research interests are in the field of childhood cancer, blood diseases in children and the effects of nutrition on physical development in children.

проф. д-р Хилми Апак

Prof. Dr. Hilmi Apak

Assoc. Burju Göker has extensive experience as a pediatric neurosurgeon both in his home country and in renowned clinics in Europe. She has completed the 4-year training program of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS). She then worked in hospitals in her home country and in Germany. After winning a scholarship to study abroad from the Turkish Society of Neurosurgery, Dr. Burju Göker completed a training course in pediatric neurosurgery at the Catholic University Medical School in Rome in 2015. The clinic where she worked nominated her for the fellowship of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN), which she won.

Доц. д-р Бурджу Гьокер

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burju Goecker

For further information and to book a free consultation with prof. Hilmi Apak and Assoc. 0879 977 401 or 0879 977 402.


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