Stem cell treatment: free consultations with a top doctor from abroad

Проф. д-р Ердал Карайоз - превю
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Проф. д-р Ердал Карайоз - превю

Prof. Dr. Karaioz, one of the pioneers in the application of innovative methods for stem cell treatment, will consult patients free of charge in Sofia on 30 May 2017. The leading physician from the high-tech Liv Hospital in Turkey will be visiting the country at the invitation of the Health Information Center "Medical Karaj", as part of their initiative to provide Bulgarian patients with access to the latest advances in medicine by partnering with some of the best medical institutions and specialists from around the world in each medical field.

Prof. Dr. Karayöz is the founder and for more than 10 years the head of the Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Research Center at Kocaeli University in Turkey. He currently heads the world's first Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Center opened in a private hospital, the one at Liv Hospital. He has won 36 national and international awards for his research in stem cell therapies and genetic engineering.

Stem cells "repair" the body

There are hundreds of types of cells in the human body. Stem cells are the primary cells - those that, under the right conditions, can transform into all cell types. With their help, unhealthy tissues can regenerate or regenerate, and this is one of the most intriguing areas in modern medicine.

Today, scientists use cells extracted from a patient's own tissue and processed in a specific way to achieve medical and aesthetic results not possible with other tools of traditional medicine. A team led by Prof. Dr. Karaioz is working on applying cell therapies to patients with a variety of diagnoses. They have made significant progress in children with cerebral palsy and muscular degeneration - some have been prevented from progressing to the disease and others have seen a marked improvement in their condition.

The positive effect of stem cells has also been proven in orthopedic problems, joint and cartilage repair, spinal problems and sports injuries.

In a number of other medical fields, stem cells are yielding promising results at the experimental level. At Liv Hospital they are testing their use in patients with chronic lung disease and reporting good results.

Stem cells and aesthetic medicine

Stem cells give an excellent and natural result in reducing the traces of age or so-called anti-aging. This is done in three stages: first, fat tissue is extracted from the patient using biopsy or liposuction. Cells are then extracted from it and processed, which are finally injected back in to rejuvenate the affected area.

A similar method is also used to erase scars, burns and injuries on the skin, avoiding the risk of allergic reaction and achieving the most natural result.

Those wishing to take advantage of the free consultations with Prof. Dr. Karayoz should make an appointment in advance at the office of "Medical Karaj" - at tel. 0879009742as well as to provide on the spot all medical documents in their possession to date.


Проф. д-р Ердал Карайоз

Prof. Dr. Erdal Karayoz

After his return Prof. Karayöz establishes Turkey's first stem cell research center at Kocaeli University

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"Free consultations for treatment abroad"

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