Prof. Schopmann from Wiener Privatklinik with an opinion on esophageal dysfunction

  1. What are the main factors that can cause esophageal dysfunction?

Esophageal dysfunction can be triggered by a variety of causes, which can usually be genetic, inflammatory or related to the patient's lifestyle. Some of these include achalasia, but also motility disorders due to untreated reflux disease persisting for years.

  1. What are the most common signs of the disease?

Some of the most common symptoms of this disease are dysphagia and odynophagia, which can cause pain when swallowing. These symptoms can lead to weight loss as the patient has difficulty in taking in enough nutrients.

  1. How can the correct diagnosis be made?

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to carry out video recording of the process of swallowing. Another main method in diagnosis is the use of high-resolution manometry.

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  1. What are the main treatments for esophageal dysfunction?

Treatment is different for each patient as it is adapted to their individual needs. It may involve taking medication, using minimally invasive surgical procedures and using endoscopic methods.

  1. Can a change in the patient's daily regimen contribute to an improvement in the condition?

In the case of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), improvements in the patient's daily regimen can contribute positively in alleviating symptoms. 

  1. Is there a possibility of disease prevention?

There are diseases for which taking certain prophylactic measures can have a positive effect, while for others, such measures are not essential.

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