The most complete newborn screening test that gives information from the earliest stage about the health of the baby.

BabyNEXT™ is a genetic test that analyzes certain inherited conditions that may manifest soon after birth or later in childhood BabyNEXT™ is a screening test for a much wider range of conditions than the standard newborn screening that is done in Bulgaria for three for three metabolic diseases. The test screens 220 genes for 222 conditions.

BabyNEXT™ makes it possible to screen from a very early stage for conditions that may remain hidden and only be picked up when symptoms appear. For many conditions, taking early therapeutic steps is key to preventing associated complications. In some cases, treatment and dietary changes only when symptoms appear may be too late.

BabyNEXT™ can help take proactive steps in newborn health care that are more effective when taken early on.

BabyNEXT™ is performed by taking DNA material from the baby by swabbing the inside of the cheek. It is tested in the laboratory using NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) for over 200 conditions.

BabyNEXT™ includes analysis only of conditions that are treatable and impacted by medications, dietary changes and other therapies.

BabyNEXT™ also includes pharmacogenetic analysis of the baby or child's body response to more than 30 medications that can be prescribed in infancy and later, thus allowing for personalized treatment as needed.

Who is the test suitable for?

  • For infants and children who present with the most common symptoms of metabolic diseases - neurological symptoms such as growth retardation, seizures, lethargy, ataxia, behavioral abnormalities, deafness, blindness, and in addition organomegaly (abnormally enlarged organs) and ophthalmological disorders.
  • For infants and children with a familial burden for metabolic diseases.
  • For infants and children with no family history of metabolic disease but with symptoms resembling specific indications of such disease.

Why choose the BabyNEXT™ test?

  • Fast - 15 working days
  • Accurate - sensitivity and specificity > 99%
  • Non-invasive - a cheek swab is taken
  • Comprehensive - screens for over 200 conditions
  • Informative - helps paediatricians know from an early stage whether to be proactive in caring for a child's health
  • High-tech - performed by high-tech sequencing in combination with bioinformatics analysis
  • Useful - includes only conditions for which action can be taken
  • Personalized - includes pharmacogenetic analysis

For more information, you can call +359895770869.


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